Things About Atopic Asthma You May Have To Know

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A suitable condition in which people’s airways become narrow, swollen, and inflamed, due to which extra mucus is produced and people are unable to breathe properly, such a type of condition is called Asthma. Atopic asthma one of the common types of it. Asthma is a long-term incendiary illness of the airways of the lungs.

It can be minor, it can interfere with our daily life activities, sometimes this may result in a life-threatening attack.

All Things About Atopic Asthma You May Not Have Known:

Keeping you healthy by fighting or protecting from harmful and unwanted pathogens is the job of your immune system.

Sometimes the immune system responds to foreign substances that are typically not harmful to our body, these types of foreign substances are known as allergies.

These are found in dust mites, pollen, foods, medications, and many more.

One of the common types of asthma is allergic or atopic asthma. Below detailed information is mentioned.

What is allergic or atopic asthma?

Allergic and atopic asthma represents the most common type of asthma in the pediatric age.

This is characterized as an eosinophilic airway inflammation associated with specific immunoglobulin E antibodies sensitization to various allergens.

Allergic or atopic asthma shows several symptoms when the patient is around certain triggers just like pet dander and many more.

When you suffer from this type of allergen they affect your lungs and make it harder so that you are unable to breathe properly.

This causes severe airway swelling that makes it difficult to breathe, during this situation the patient may then require immediate medical treatment.


People experience several types of symptoms while they suffer from atopic or allergic asthma. Sometimes due to the presence of allergens, they notice this symptom to be worse after they have exposure to certain triggers.

Either you are suffering from atopic asthma or non-allergic asthma you notice the same symptoms.

Some of the mainly noticed symptoms are listed below;

Problem in breathing.

When you suffer from atopic asthma your airways are always flooded with extra mucus which makes your lungs harder to breathe. Due to this, you may get problems in breathing.

Mostly when anyone notices this happening with himself they consult the nearby doctor which is a great discussion because this proves deadly to you. 

Shortness of breath.

During atopic asthma, it is harder for the lungs to breathe.

Due to insufficient breath, our heart is unable to pump enough blood to supply oxygen to body parts. Due to this, you may feel shortness of breath. 

It is a better choice to visit a doctor if you feel this symptom.

Chest tightness.

If you are suffering from atopic asthma you may get problems like shortness of breath and problems during breathing. In this, we are unable to breathe properly due to which our body suffers a lack of oxygen-rich blood and our heart muscle doesn’t get a sufficient amount of oxygen-rich blood.

Due to this, you may feel the problem of chest tightness. It is better to consult the doctor after feeling like this.


During atopic asthma, our airways get blocked due to the extra presence of mucus in them. When our airway is blocked and we breathe then it sounds like whistling and squeaking.

When you suffer this visit the doctor and ask for treatment.

This is the most commonly noticed symptom of atopic asthma.

Causes of allergic atopic asthma:

Doctors are unable to find the exact reason why some people suffer from allergic asthma however others do not.

Some of the common causes of atopic asthma are listed below:

● Windblown pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds.

Pollen (microscopic) is considered one of the most common causes of allergic or atopic asthma.

This can be easily windblown and move anywhere. It is mainly known to cause allergies.

There are many ways to prevent this cause, some of them are listed below:-

  1. Keeping windows closed during the night.
  2. Using a conditioner because it cleans the air before entering the home.
  3. Minimizing outdoor activities especially between 5 to 10 AM because during this time pollen is most prevalent.
  4. Wear a mask if you are allergic to grass and dry clothes outside during the pollen season.

● Animal dander and saliva.

An allergic reaction can be triggered by any animal with hair most frequent to them are cats, dogs, and horses. This reaction is the result of inhalation or contact with animal dander, saliva which contains allergens.

It can be prevented by avoiding contact with the animal or by removing the pet from the allergic person. If this is not possible then it is recommended that the animal enter the patient room.

● Dust mite feces.

The presence of mites of the genus is relatively a major allergen in house dust.

This is a reaction to tiny bugs that live in house dust.

Hay fever such as sneezing and runny noses are most common during this allergen.

Some of the best ways to prevent ourselves from dust mites are

1. Keeping the house air-free and dry

2. Avoid using dry vacuuming because it is unable to pick it up

3. Use chemicals to kill dust mites 

4. Keep Proper cleaning of bedding and pillowcases in hot water weekly

● Cockroach feces.

Cockroaches are always responsible for several diseases and they can be an allergy trigger too.

Saliva, feces, and shedding body parts of cockroaches act as triggers to atopic asthma.

The best way to treat and prevent cockroach allergies are:

1. Keeping the house clean especially kitchen floors, sinks, and stoves

2. By keeping the garbage sealed and food containers to be packed

● Disconnecting access of water to cockroaches by fixing leaks

3. You may also contact the pest control department or exterminator.

Irritations can also act as a trigger to allergic asthma.

This irritation includes:

● Air pollution.

Pollution can quickly irritate your airways making them swell and tighten up and act as a trigger to allergic asthma.

To avoid this, wear a mask while you are outside and use the air conditioner in homes because it purifies the air and makes it pollution-free before entering the home.

● Cold air.

When you are suffering from allergic or atopic asthma stay away from cold air because it triggers asthma. When it hits your airways your lungs react by tightening. 

Cold air contains less moisture which dries out our airways and causes the airways to spasm involving cough.

This can be prevented by:-

  1. By using short-acting inhalers to open up the airways
  2. If you are attacked by cold weather try to get a warmer environment as soon as possible

If anyone is feeling this symptom then try to consult the doctor quickly.

● Strong chemical and fumes odors.

In some cases, it is noticed that most people get triggers to atopic asthma due to the strong odors of any chemicals and fumes.

Patients experienced that strong odor of fumes and some kind of chemicals that triggers their asthma.

This is because when we breathe in strong odors then the particles in the air breathed in and irritate our airways and make them more inflamed and narrow.

This can be prevented by regular taking of medications prescribed by your doctor.

● Dust.

People with dust allergies often feel uncomfortable while they are at their homes because dusty homes trigger their asthma.

This can also be responsible for the cause of eczema.

Dust allergic patients can prevent themselves from triggers of asthma by avoiding dusty places.

They can wear a mask when they are outdoors and keep their full concentration on cleaning their residence.

If you feel this symptom then timely contact your doctor and ask him for proper treatment. 

Ways to control atopic asthma:

If you want to control your allergies then the best way is to keep your distance from the thing to which you have the allergens. If you have breathing allergies then avoid breathing in allergens.

Below some tips are mentioned which can give you relief.

During high pollen counts try to stay inside.

Try to stay inside the house when outdoor pollen counts are high and close all the windows.

If you are feeling hot then use a clean air filter air conditioner which gives you fresh and pure air. Do not use your old air conditioner if it is smelling musty and moldy and also restrict the use of evaporative coolers also called swamp coolers.

● Stay away from dust mites.

In our fabrics and carpets there live some microscopic is necessary to keep our pillows and mattresses wrapped in allergen-proof covers. Wash your pillow covers and other bedding weekly in hot water.

Stay away from places where dust can gather like upholstered furniture, piles of clothing, etc.

Proper cleaning of kitchen.

If you are suffering from the allergens from cockroaches then it is very important to keep your kitchen clean and dry. This cleanness of the kitchen helps to avoid molds and cockroaches.

If you notice any signs of cockroaches then immediately contact the pest controller.

Pet allergies.

If you have any pet and you think that it is creating problems then the better idea is to have a checkup. If the reports are positive then try to give another residence for it, if possible.

A complete restriction is maintained so that no pets can enter your Bedroom. 

Treatment for atopic asthma:

It is found that allergic asthma can’t be cured but it can be prevented and symptoms can be decreased.

When anyone gets an asthma attack in a case Prescription described by doctors can reduce the allergies.

Below the information about these treatments are described.

Short-acting inhalers.

Sometimes our airways are extra inflamed and narrow due to which we are unable to breathe or it is very difficult to breathe, in such cases these inhalers are used. These inhalers quickly open up our airways and make us capable of breathing. 

Long-acting inhalers.

These types of inhalers are used by patients to keep their airways open for a long time as compared to short-time inhalers. Using these inhalers relaxes the muscles around your airways to keep them open.

Effects of these inhalers last up to 12 hours compared to short-acting inhalers.

Inhalation of corticosteroids.

After the inhalation of corticosteroids, this helps as it reduces the inflammation of our airway and decreases the symptoms.

These hormones are one of those which are naturally produced in our body.

Leukotriene modifiers.

Leukotriene modifiers also known as anti leukotriene works as it results in reducing and swelling of our airway due to which breathing is easier for asthma patients. This blocks the actions of leukotriene.

These types of drugs are not used during the first mode of treatment, these are used at final stage treatments.

Taking medication for getting relief from breathing symptoms, A doctor’s recommendation is reducing the body’s response to allergens exposure.

It has already been proven that allergic asthma can’t be cured but it can be prevented and symptoms can be decreased.

Using these kinds of medication helps in blocking the body’s response to allergies by reducing the severity of any allergic responses.


Allergic and atopic asthma represents the most common type of asthma in the pediatric age.

This is characterized as an eosinophilic airway inflammation associated with specific immunoglobulin E antibodies sensitization to various allergens. 

People experience several types of symptoms while they suffer from atopic or allergic asthma. Sometimes due to the presence of allergens, they notice this symptom to be worse after they have exposure to certain triggers. 

If you face any of the symptoms mentioned in the article, do consult a doctor and get the proper medication to cure the ailment. 

However, Doctors are unable to find the exact reason why some people suffer from allergic asthma however others do not. In the article above, we have gathered out and listed the top possible substances, ingredients, or conditions that are responsible factors behind this irritating yet deadly disease. 

If you want to stay safe and control your allergies then one of the best ways is to keep yourself distant from the thing to which you have the allergies.

If you have breathing allergies then avoid breathing in allergens. If you are diagnosed with a food allergy, avoid eating that specific allergenic substance to improve your immune system. 

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